About the Wild Game Feed
The Knights of Columbus has four principle values and four degrees available to its members. The four core values are, in order, Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism.
Erwin J. Kruse was one of the early members of council 10805. He was a past Grand Knight and winner of the “Star” award. He was very active in fundraising for the Knights and the church. Erwin was instrumental in planning the Wild Game Feed. Due to his willingness to give to others the Game Feed proceeds have helped many. His example of charity has continued through many members of the Knights of Columbus and their families.
Over The Years
Over the years we have been lucky enough to give away more than $690,000 to local charities because of your generosity.
Shop with a Sherriff Pott County Comm Foundation |
Shop with a Cop |
BirthRight Council Bluffs |
Trail Blazers |
Children Square |
KOC fund for Families of need |
Fire Fighter Honor Guard |
CCSWIA Jenni Edmundson Foundation |
Vodec |
Ted Nugent Camp |
Down Syndrome of the Midlands |
Phillips Cupboard |
Mohms Kitchen (New Vision) |
Interfaith Response |
Micah House |
Phoenix House (Catholic Charities) |
Spirit Catholic Radio |
Care and Share |
Wings of Hope |
Youth Catholic Conference |
Gabriels Corner |
Corpus Christi KOC |
Scholarship (4th degree Golf outing) |
Coats for kids |
Together inc |
Carter Lake PD shop for kids |
Camp Landon |
Mosaic |
CPR training supplies |